The culture of research
DNA Silk Music
In occasion of the Treesure collection launch, a corps de ballet has danced on the DNA Silk Music, transmitted to the world for the first time. The DNA Silk Music is a scientific and musical opera by Stuart Mitchell and Nicholas Caposiena, expressly composed for Treesure jewels, starting from the genetic code of Bombyx mori, well known as silkworm, then arranged with an audio frequency of 432 Hz, which virtuosity is able of generating psychophysicals benefits to the human being's equilibrium. Therefore, it's a unique work in the world, a message of meeting and communion between the "truth" of science and the "beauty" of art.
Listen to the playlist
Stuart Mitchell
Stuart Mitchell was a Scottish pianist and composer who was best known for his Seven Wonders Suite (2001).
Nicholas Caposiena
Nicholas Caposiena is a researcher in the field of human technology. In his studies and research, he strives to gain an understanding of the human mind and physiology.
“It’s fascinating to hear the sounds that living beings are made of… It’s marvellous to be able to listen to the harmonious form of the DNA of silk”